Happy Flirburt Day everyone!!

We actually did an early celebration of Flirburt Day this year, since cousins were going on vacation this weekend and wouldn’t be in town.

So on Monday, we got our PURPLE ON!

We started the day with yummy purple pancakes, purple eggs, and… well, just regular bacon!

FYI: Food Gel Coloring and Eggs don’t mix well…

Then, cousins and friend came over, most everyone decked out in their best purple.

For lunch, we had purple grilled cheese, purple yogurt, purple grapes, and purple pop.

For dessert, we had some crazy looking purple cupcakes!

I cheated… My sister had a TON of leftover cupcakes from sweet Pamela’s 1st birthday… so I cut off the frosting, colored it purple, and “re”frosted it. They look… interesting… but I thought it fit for Flirburt Day!

Then the kiddos all played a purple game… Pictionary man (it comes in a purple box.)

Yes, it was a purply kind of day!

If you’re wondering now just what exactly Flirburt Day is….

Well, DUH! It’s the day to celebrate the color PURPLE!!!

From what I’ve been told, it’s inaugural year was 2012… when one of them marveled at the interesting fact that pop could actually be purple while playing a game of making up silly words. One thing led to another, and they decided this was super cool, and they needed a WHOLE DAY to celebrate this wonderful color, and would do so with their new made up word– Flirburt!

So, August 2nd was deemed Flirburt Day by the Phillips’ and Geselle kiddos.

Let purple reign throughout the land today!

Next year, we plan on upping the anty a bit with Flirburt Day purple tshirts. 🙂

Discussion: Anyone happen to be wearing purple today? Any fun ideas to come up with more “purple” food? And am I the only one who has kids who make up crazy holidays?????



  1. Love it! Purple ice cream, jello, koolaid….i'm positive there used to be a purple ketchup sold at stores but not sure where you would find it these days. If there is a recipe you can make happen that your kids will eat, you could incorporate Eggplant into the day (that is purple, right???)

    1. Ohhh, those are GREAT ideas! I was also thinking of those purple colored Tortilla chips!

  2. What fun! Kinda like a St. Patrick day except for purple.

  3. this sounds very fun! I have never heard of this but will have to make sure and celebrate next year!

  4. Next time you have a purple day, I think you need some Trevecca purple. Contact me and I'll hook you up. 🙂

    1. Totally will, Melinda!! August 2nd 2014… 🙂 It is an annual event! LOL

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